
Creates textual or image stamps on PDF documents. This client allows you to highly personalize your stamp. The font, color, rendering mode and position of your stamp are only the start. For detailed information have a look at the StampAction. Furthermore, you may select the pages your stamp will be applied to.

stampStampStampResStampActionCreates textual or image stamps on PDF documents. Swagger
file stream
Creates textual or image stamps on PDF documents.



  • curl
  • C#
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
curl No Sample
// create stamp object
var stamp = new Stamp()
    // document
    Document = new Document()
        DocData = File.ReadAllBytes("myPdf.pdf"),
        Name = "myPdf.pdf",
    // action
    StampAction = new StampAction()
        Text = new Text()
            Value = "EXAMPLE TEXT",
            Size = 30
        PageSequence = "all",
        Alpha = 0.25,// opacity of the stamp: 1.0 for fully opaque, 0.0 for fully transparent.
        AlignX = StampActionAlignX.Center,
        AlignY = StampActionAlignY.Middle

// applying the stamp to the PDF
var res = await Pdf4meClient.Pdf4me.Instance.StampClient.StampAsync(stamp);

// extract the stamped PDF and writing it to disk
byte[] stampedPdf = res.Document.DocData;
File.WriteAllBytes("stampedPdf.pdf", stampedPdf);
// setup the stampClient
StampClient stampClient = new StampClient(pdf4meClient);

// create stamp object
Stamp stamp = new Stamp();
// document
Document document = new Document();
// action
StampAction stampAction = new StampAction();
Text textObj = new Text();
textObj.setValue("EXAMPLE TEXT");
stampAction.setAlpha(0.25); // opacity of the stamp: 1.0 for fully opaque, 0.0 for fully transparent.

// applying the stamp to the PDF
StampRes res = stampClient.stamp(stamp);

// extracting the generated PDF and writing it to disk
byte[] stampedPdf = res.getDocument().getDocData();
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File("stampedPdf.pdf"), stampedPdf);
// setup the pdf4meClient
const pdf4meClient = pdf4me.createClient('YOUR API KEY')

// create stamp object
const stampReq = {
  // document
  document: {
    docData: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'myPdf.pdf')).toString('base64'),
  // action
  stampAction: {
    text: {
      value: 'EXAMPLE TEXT',
      size: 30,
      color: { red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0 },
    alpha: 0.25,
    rotate: -52,
    pageSequence: 'all',
    stampType: 'foreground',
    alignX: 'center',
    alignY: 'middle',

// applying the stamp to the PDF
  .then(function(stampRes) {
    // extracting the generated PDF and writing it to disk
    const pdfDocument = Buffer.from(stampRes.document.docData, 'base64')
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'stampedPdf.pdf'), pdfDocument)
  .catch(error => {
// create stamp object
$create_stamp = [
    // document
    'document' => [
        'docData' => $client->getFileData('myPdf.pdf')
    // action
    'stampAction' => [
        "pageSequence" => 'all',
        "alpha" => 0.25,
        "alignX" => 'center',
        "alignY" => 'middle',
        "text" => [
            "value" => 'EXAMPLE TEXT',
            "size" => 30

// applying the stamp to the PDF
$res = $client->pdf4me()->stampPdf($create_stamp);

// extracting the generated PDFs
$stampedPdf = base64_decode($res->document->docData);
// and writing them to file
file_put_contents('stampedPdf.pdf', $stampedPdf);
# setup the stamp_client
stamp_client = StampClient(pdf4me_client)

# create the stamp object
stamp = Stamp(
    # document
    # action
            value='EXAMPLE TEXT'

# applying the stamp to the PDF
res = stamp_client.stamp(stamp=stamp)

# extracting the generated PDF
stamped_pdf = base64.b64decode(res['document']['doc_data'])
# writing it to disk
with open('stampedPdf.pdf', 'wb') as f:


  • curl
  • C#
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
curl ^
    -H "Authorization: Basic DEV-KEY" ^
    -F text=EXAMPLE TEXT ^
    -F pages=3,4,5 ^
    -F alignX=center ^
    -F alignY=middle
    -F "file=@./myPdf.pdf" ^
    -o ./stampedPdf.pdf   
// stamping the pdf
byte[] stampedPdf = await Pdf4meClient.Pdf4me.Instance.StampClient.TextStampAsync(File.ReadAllBytes("myPdf.pdf"), "EXAMPLE TEXT", "all", AlignX.Center, AlignY.Middle);
// and writing the generated PDF to disk
File.WriteAllBytes("stampedPdf.pdf", stampedPdf);
// setup the stampClient
StampClient stampClient = new StampClient(pdf4meClient);

// stamp and writing the generated PDF to disk
byte[] stampedPdf = stampClient.textStamp("EXAMPLE TEXT", "all", AlignXEnum.CENTER,
                                            AlignYEnum.MIDDLE, new File("myPdf.pdf"));
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File("stampedPdf.pdf"), stampedPdf);
// setup the pdf4meClient
const pdf4meClient = pdf4me.createClient('YOUR API KEY')

// stamp document
pdf4meClient.textStamp('EXAMPLE TEXT', 'all', 'left', 'top', fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'myPdf.pdf')))
  .then(pdf => {
    // and writing the resulting PDFs to disk
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'stampedPdf.pdf'), pdf)
  .catch(error => {
        "text" => 'EXAMPLE TEXT'
        "pages" => 'all',
        "alignX" => 'center',
        "alignY" => 'middle',
        "file" => __DIR__.'/myPdf.pdf'

//writing it to file
file_put_contents('stampedPdf.pdf', $stampedPdf);
# setup the stamp_client
stamp_client = StampClient(pdf4me_client)

# applying the stamp to the PDF
stamped_pdf = stamp_client.text_stamp(
    text='EXAMPLE TEXT',
# writing the generated PDF to disk
with open('stampedPdf.pdf', 'wb') as f:
a =
      file: '/mypdf.pdf',
      pages: [1, 3],
      position_x: 'center',
      position_y: 'middle',
      text: 'EXAMPLE TEXT',
      save_path: 'stampedPdf.pdf'



Name Type Description Notes
document Document
stampAction StampAction


Name Type Description Notes
pageSequence string Pages the action is applied to.
relativePosX integer Relative position of the stamp with regards to the page. Positive values define the distances from the stamp to the left page border, negative values to the right page boundary respectively. The units of the values are PDF units of 1/72 inch.
relativePosY integer Relative position of the stamp with regards to the page. Positive values define the distances from the stamp to the lower, negative values to the upper page boundary respectively. The units of the values are PDF units of 1/72 inch.
sizeX integer The width of the stamp. The stamp’s content will be clipped to this rectangle (width, height). If this is not specified or either the width or the height are zero, the respective size is calculated to fit content.
sizeY integer The height of the stamp. The stamp’s content will be clipped to this rectangle (width, height). If this is not specified or either the width or the height are zero, the respective size is calculated to fit content.
rotate double Clockwise rotation of the stamp [degree].
autoorientation boolean Orientation of Stamp. - true: detects orientation (portrait and landscape) of page automatically and treats landscape page as a 90° rotated portrait. Useful to apply stamps to “long” or “short” edge of page. - false: always positions stamps as defined by stamp attributes.
alpha double The opacity of the entire stamp. 1.0 for fully opaque, 0.0 for fully transparent. The PDF/A-1 standard does not allow transparency. Therefore, for PDF/A-1 conforming input files you must not set alpha to a value other than 1.0.
scale string Scale of stamp. Scales the stamp relative to the page size. For example, make stamp half as large on a A5 and twice as large on a A3 page as specified.
alignX enum Values: left, center, right
Align the stamp with the page. Overrules relativePosX.
alignY enum Values: top, middle, bottom
Align the stamp with the page. Overrules relativePosY.
stampType enum Values: annotation, foreground, background
The type of the stamp.
text Text Text stamp.
image Image Image stamp.


Name Type Description Notes
document Document Stamped document.  


Name Type Description Notes
jobId String JobId of Documents WorkingSet.
documentId String Document Id
name String Filename inlcuding filetype.
docStatus String Status of the Document, e.g. Stamped.
pages Page Description of pages.
docData [byte] Document bytes.
docMetadata DocMetadata Document metadata such as title, pageCount et al.
docLogs DocLog Logging information about the request, e.g. timestamp.


Name Type Description Notes
documentId String Globally unique Id.
pageId String Globally unique Id.
pageNumber Integer PageNumber, starting with 1.
rotate double By how much the page was rotated from its original orientation.
thumbnail byte Thumbnail representing this particular page.
sourceDocumentId String Id of the document it was created from, e.g. in case of an extraction, the result's sourceDocumentId is the Id of the PDF the pages have been extracted from.
sourcePageNumber Integer Page number of the original page in the original document, e.g. let's assume document B consists of page number 4 of document A (extraction).
Thus, document B's only page's sourcePageNumber is number 4.


Name Type Description Notes
title String Title of document.
subject String Subject of document.
pageCount long Number of pages.
size long Number bytes of the document.
isEncrypted boolean If the document is Encrypted
pdfCompliance String Pdf Compliance, e.g. PDF/A.
isSigned boolean If the document is Encrypted
uploadedMimeType String Uploaded MimeType, e.g. application/bson.
uploadedFileSize long Uploaded file size.


Name Type Description Notes
messageType String MessageType, e.g. PdfALog.
message String Message itself, e.g. a warning.
timestamp dateTime Timestamp.
docLogLevel String Type of message. Supported Values :
"verbose", "info", "warning", "error", "timing"
durationMilliseconds long Timing for requested log information [ms].


Name Type Notes Description
format boolean [Optional] Whether or not to enable formatting of variable text, such as the current date or the number of pages.
size integer [Optional] The font size in points, e.g. 12. If set to 0, the size is chosen such that text fits stamp size.
font string [Optional] The TrueType name of the font, e.g. "Arial" or "Times New Roman,Bold", or a complete path to the font,
e.g. C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf. If the name is used, the respective font must be available in any of the font directories.
color Color [Optional] The color as RGB value, where all values must be in the range from 0 to 1.
fontEncoding string "unicode": Only the glyphs used by the stamp are embedded. If the stamp is modified, a new font that includes the new glyph set has to be re-embedded. This setting is recommended for stamps that will not be modified later.
"winAnsi": All glyphs required for WinAnsiEncoding are embedded. Hence the text’s characters are limited to this character set. If the content of the stamp is updated, fonts using WinAnsi will be reused.
Default: "unicode"
This attribute is relevant only, if the stamp will be modified later. The PDF/A standard demands that all used fonts must be embedded in the PDF. Since fonts with many glyphs can be very large in size (>20MB), unused glyphs are removed prior to embedding. This process is called subsetting. The attribute fontencoding controls the subsetting.
value string Text to be displayed. The text can have embedded HTML.
mode string "fill": the text is filled.
"stroke": the text’s outlines are stroked.
Rendering mode of the text.
rotate Rotate [Optional] Image rotation.
translate Translate [Optional] Image translate.
transform Transform [Optional] Image transform.


Name Type Notes Description
red double [Optional] RGB value for required Red.
green double [Optional] RGB value for required Green.
blue double [Optional] RGB value for required Blue.


Name Type Description Notes
angle double Counter-clockwise rotation by n degrees, e.g 90.
originX integer Origin (x-coordinate) of rotation [point].
originY integer Origin (y-coordinate) of rotation [point].


Name Type Description Notes
offsetX integer Horizontal offset [point].
offsetY integer Vertical offset [point].


Name Type Description Notes
a integer Scaling of x-Axis. TODO: define all parameters proparly
b integer Rotation e.g. by x: cos(x) sin(x) -sin(x) cos(x) 0 0.
c integer Scaling of y-Axis.
d integer Rotation.
x integer Horizontal offset to the left [point].
y integer Vertical offset from the bottom [point].


Name Type Description Notes
white RGBSet 0.996078, 0.996078, 0.996078
c RGBSet 0.000000, 0.686275, 0.937255
m RGBSet 0.925490, 0.149020, 0.560784
y RGBSet 1.000000, 0.949020, 0.066667
k RGBSet 0.215686, 0.203922, 0.207843
cm RGBSet 0.243137, 0.247059, 0.584314
cy RGBSet 0.000000, 0.658824, 0.349020
ck RGBSet 0.066667, 0.176471, 0.215686
my RGBSet 0.929412, 0.196078, 0.215686
mk RGBSet 0.215686, 0.101961, 0.141176
yk RGBSet 0.200000, 0.196078, 0.125490
cmy RGBSet 0.266667, 0.266667, 0.274510
cmk RGBSet 0.133333, 0.098039, 0.160784
cyk RGBSet 0.074510, 0.180392, 0.133333
myk RGBSet 0.215686, 0.121569, 0.113725
cmyk RGBSet 0.125490, 0.121569, 0.121569


Name Type Description Notes
red integer
blue integer
green integer


Name Type Description Notes
rectangle Rectangle
imageData byte Image data as byte stream. [Optional]
imageType String Type of Image [Optional]
fileName String Name of the Image file. [Optional]
compression String Value: cCITTFax, flate, dCT
Compression compliance
rotate RotateConfig
translate Translate
transform Transform


Name Type Description Notes
x Integer Offset to the left page border. [Optional]
y Integer Offset to the bottom of the page. [Optional]
width Integer Width [Optional]
height Integer Height [Optional]

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