API SwissQR-Create

createSwissQrBill SwissQrCreator CreateSwissQrBill SwissQrCreatorAction Generate proper Swiss QR invoices that are standardized.swagger
createSwissQrBillList List[SwissQrCreator]CreateSwissQrBill Mass generation of Swiss QR invoices swagger



Name Type Description Notes
document Document Pass the document, to attach the Swiss QR code on it.
swissQrCreatorAction SwissQrCreatorAction Fill Swiss QR Data.
jobIdExtern String [optional]
integrations [String] [optional]


Name Type Description Notes
billingData BillingData
languageType Enum german, french, italian, english [Optional]
seperatorLine Enum lineWithScissor, line, none [Optional]
formatType Enum pdf, tiff, svg, png, jpeg [Optional]
swissQrOnPdfRequired boolean [Optional]


Name Type Description Notes
qrType Enum spc [Optional]
version Enum v20 [Optional]
codingType Enum default, utf8 [Optional]
iban String - 21 IBAN or QR-IBAN of the creditor
Creditor (Payable to):
cr_AddressType Enum S - structured address
K - combined address elements (2 lines)
cr_Name string - 70 Name [Optional]
cr_StreetOrAddressLine1 string - 70 Structured Address: Street/P.O. Box
Combined address elements: Address line 1 including street and building number or P.O. Box
cr_BuildNoOrAddressLine2 string S: 16 - Structured Address: Building number
K: 70 - Combined address elements: Address line 2 including postal code and town
cr_PostalCode string S: 16
cr_City string S: 35
cr_Country Enum
Ultimate Debitor (Payable by):
ud_AddressType Enum S - structured address
K - combined address elements (2 lines)
ud_Name string - 70 Name [Optional]
ud_StreetOrAddressLine1 string - 70 Structured Address: Street/P.O. Box
Combined address elements: Address line 1 including street and building number or P.O. Box
ud_BuildNoOrAddressLine2 string S: 16 - Structured Address: Building number
K: 70 - Combined address elements: Address line 2 including postal code and town
ud_PostalCode string S: 16
ud_City string S: 35
ud_Country Enum
Payment Info:
amount number maximum 12-digits permitted [Optional]
currency Enum CHF, EUR
referenceType Enum QRR – QR reference
SCOR – Creditor Reference (ISO 11649)
NON – without reference
reference String - 27 The structured reference is either a QR reference or an ISO 11649 Creditor Reference [Optional]
unstructuredMessage String - 140 Unstructured information can be used to indicate the payment purpose or for additional textual information about payments with a structured reference. [Optional]
billingInfo String - 140 Bill information contain coded information for automated booking of the payment. The data is not forwarded with the payment. [Optional]
av1_Parameters String - 100 Parameter character chain of the alternative scheme [Optional]
av2_Parameters String - 100 Parameter character chain of the alternative scheme [Optional]


Name Type Description Notes
documentId String [Optional]
name String Give filename inlcuding filetype [Optional]
fileName String [Optional]
fileExtension String [Optional]
docStatus String Returns the Status of the Document [Optional]
pages Page Description of pages [Optional]
docData String [Optional]
docMetadata DocMetadata [Optional]
docLogs DocLog [Optional]
documentUrl String [Optional]
scanPages ScanPage [Optional]
order Int [Optional]


Name Type Description Notes
messageType String MessageType, e.g. PdfALog.
message String Message itself, e.g. a warning.
timestamp dateTime Timestamp.
docLogLevel String Type of message. Supported Values :
"verbose", "info", "warning", "error", "timing"
durationMilliseconds long Timing for requested log information [ms].

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