API SwissQR-Scan

Feature Parameter Response Action Description Links
readSwissQrCode ReadBarcodes file stream Reads Swiss QR invoices that are standardized. swagger


Name Type Description Notes
document Document
readBarcodesAction ReadBarcodeAction
jobIdExtern String [optional]
integrations [String] [optional]


Name Type Description Notes
qrType Enum spc [Optional]
version Enum v20 [Optional]
codingType Enum default, utf8 [Optional]
iban String - 21 IBAN or QR-IBAN of the creditor
Creditor (Payable to):
cr_AddressType Enum S - structured address
K - combined address elements (2 lines)
cr_Name string - 70 Name [Optional]
cr_StreetOrAddressLine1 string - 70 Structured Address: Street/P.O. Box
Combined address elements: Address line 1 including street and building number or P.O. Box
cr_BuildNoOrAddressLine2 string S: 16 - Structured Address: Building number
K: 70 - Combined address elements: Address line 2 including postal code and town
cr_PostalCode string S: 16
cr_City string S: 35
cr_Country Enum
Ultimate Debitor (Payable by):
ud_AddressType Enum S - structured address
K - combined address elements (2 lines)
ud_Name string - 70 Name [Optional]
ud_StreetOrAddressLine1 string - 70 Structured Address: Street/P.O. Box
Combined address elements: Address line 1 including street and building number or P.O. Box
ud_BuildNoOrAddressLine2 string S: 16 - Structured Address: Building number
K: 70 - Combined address elements: Address line 2 including postal code and town
ud_PostalCode string S: 16
ud_City string S: 35
ud_Country Enum
Payment Info:
amount number maximum 12-digits permitted [Optional]
currency Enum CHF, EUR
referenceType Enum QRR – QR reference
SCOR – Creditor Reference (ISO 11649)
NON – without reference
reference String - 27 The structured reference is either a QR reference or an ISO 11649 Creditor Reference [Optional]
unstructuredMessage String - 140 Unstructured information can be used to indicate the payment purpose or for additional textual information about payments with a structured reference. [Optional]
billingInfo String - 140 Bill information contain coded information for automated booking of the payment. The data is not forwarded with the payment. [Optional]
av1_Parameters String - 100 Parameter character chain of the alternative scheme [Optional]
av2_Parameters String - 100 Parameter character chain of the alternative scheme [Optional]

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