Installation and Activation
Installation and activation of Pdf4me are as simple as any other Windows application.

- Download the latest version of our app here.
- Run the Pdf4me.xxxxx.exe
- You can always choose a custom installation folder (The default location may provide faster processing and reduce any further installation complications)
- Confirm permissions for the Pdf4me windows service. Done!
System Requirements
Pdf4me is a very light software application that can run on almost any machine of this day. All You need is a very basic system running on Windows OS and an Internet connection.
Activation token

Once logged in, you can check back your Pdf4me app. Your account details will be updated automatically with 250 free API credits for free. Your one-time activation is complete.
- Working with the Pdf4me app requires a token. No worries! You can try it for free. Try all the features of our app by setting up a free Pdf4me account (No credit card required).
- Launch the Pdf4me app
- Click the ‘Get Token’ button on the app
- You will be taken to login.
- Sign In to your Pdf4me account or Register for a free account.