Create Swiss QR-bill

The highly configurable API provides many features needed to be integrated into any application to generate proper Swiss QR invoices. It is also scalable for mass generation on peak time of monthly invoice generation.

The API allows to configure the QR-bill generation in many ways.

Api Features

  • Attach QR-bill on an existing PDF
  • Return QR-bill as an image (png, jpg)
  • Convert Word to PDF (including merge) and attach QR-bill
  • Generate QR-bill in bulk (less traffic and faster response time)

Different Flavours of QR-bill (samples of API)

Swiss QR-bill unstructured message, billing info and amount
  • German
  • Amount
  • Unstructured Message
  • Billing Info
Swiss QR-bill open amount and scissor line
  • English
  • open Amount
  • Scissor Line
Swiss QR-bill, no payable by, EUR
  • French
  • No Payable By
  • EUR

Structured Json

Following Json shows a sample of how to fill the data for a QR-bill.

	"document": {
		"name": "QR_Bill_Doc.pdf",
		"docData": "JVBERi0xL....."
	"swissQrCreatorAction": {
		"billingData": {
			"qrType": "sPC",
			"version": "v20",
			"codingType": "uTF8",
			"iban": "CH510022522595291301C",
			"cr_AddressType": "s",
			"cr_Name": "Rega AG",
			"cr_StreetOrAddressLine1": "Hörnlistrasse",
			"cr_BuildNoOrAddressLine2": "79",
			"cr_PostalCode": "8330",
			"cr_City": "Pfäffikon",
			"cr_Country": "switzerland",
			"amount": 30.0,
			"currency": "cHF",
			"ud_AddressType": "s",
			"ud_Name": "Heinz Muster",
			"ud_StreetOrAddressLine1": "Tödistrasse",
			"ud_BuildNoOrAddressLine2": "1",
			"ud_PostalCode": "8000",
			"ud_City": "Zürich",
			"ud_Country": "switzerland",
			"referenceType": "qRR",
			"reference": "210000000003139471430009017",
			"unstructuredMessage": "for individuals"
		"languageType": "english",
		"seperatorLine": "lineWithScissor",
		"swissQrOnPdfRequired": true

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