Time is the ultimate scale to all processes. And we may fall short of it in our busy days. Hence automation technology has become inevitable to successfully organize our daily tasks. Zapier provides easy automation for busy people by moving info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
You may come across a lot of document related tasks each day. PDF4me has made it easy for you. You can integrate Pdf4me with Zapier for a wide range of document related task automations. For instance, you can create or get a word doc attachment from hotmail, convert it to Pdf using PDF4me and save it to your Dropbox. And yes, Pdf4me with Zapier lets you automate all of this.
The following is a sample representation of how Zapier and Pdf4me works together.

Creating a Sample Zap
- Sign Up to Zapier
- Use Make a Zap button to create a new Zap
- Add a Google drive step to grab a file and authenticate using Google credentials.
- Add Pdf4me step of your requirement and authenticate with your Pdf4me token. You can get your PDF4me token from the PDF4me Developer Portal.

- Finally add a Dropbox step to save the output file to dropbox. Done ! Your Zap is ready.

PDF4me has implemented lot of PDF features to Zapier which makes processing and managing documents an easy job. Zapier library includes a large number of Apps that you can associate with PDF4me with no coding. Setup up your Zap, automate and forget!
Try creating your Zap with PDF4me and let us know how you like it.
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